
Toilet Calculator

Minu käest on küsitud, et miks ma loen Sitablogi? Põhjus lihtne: sünd, söök, sittumine ja surm on sellised elu teetähised, mis kõigile inimestele omased. Sitablogi ühest postitusest leidsin ka testi, mis sai ka kohe läbi tehtud ning mille tulemused alljärgnevalt ka avalikustan:
Your Assessment (Results)
Number of hours you spend in the toilet per year: 182.5 hours
Number of hours you have spent in the toilet in your life time: 7117.5 hours
Your Annual Ranking Title: King of Solitude
Your Life Time Ranking Title: Master of the Hole

You are the King of Solitude. No one knows how to spend their hours in the privacy of a toilet like you. But maybe it is time you found a new hobby.

Taustaks: Genitortures «Touch Myself»

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