
Which Depeche Mode album are you?

Black Celebration

Your name says it all.
An experiment in all things dark and loving it.
You spawned three hit singles

Vastus ei üllata ning andis minu lemmikalbumi. Samas tuleb tunnistada, et see küsitlus on üsna manipuleeritav ... vähemasti neile, kes bändi loominguga korralikult kursis. Kes ei usu, võib ise proovida, et Which Depeche Mode album are you?

Taustaks: Depeche Mode «Black Celebration»


Trash said...

Speak and Spell

Anonymous said...

"Construction Time Again" - täiesti mööda kusjuures. Ja ka mina pole selle üle üllatunud...

Ashton Walsh said...

Great reading your bllog post