Minu jaoks on «Con Air» (1997) põhivõlu dialoogis. Näiteks sellises:
Garland Greene: Two went down. One came up.
Poe: Wasn't my fault.
Garland: Well, you don't have to tell me. Most murders are crimes of necessity rather than desire. But the great ones... Dahmer, Gacy, Bundy... they did it because it excited them.
Poe: Don't you... I got nothing in common with them — with you! Don't you talk to me! They were insane!
Garland: Now you're talking semantics.
Vestlus toimus siis filmi peategelase Cameron Poe (mängib Nicolas Cage) ja sarimõrtsuka Garland Greene'i (mängib Steve Buscemi) vahel. Kodanik Greene'i iseloomustas vägagi tabavalt üks ta nö. reisikaaslane: «That skinny little man butchered thirty-some people up and down the eastern seaboard. They say the way he killed those people makes the Manson Family look like the Partridge Family!»

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Taustaks: Lynyrd Skynyrd «Sweet Home Alabama»
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